Chapman Drug Company
A11279 Administration Building, Appalachian Exposition
A11280 Swan Island, Lake Chilhowee, Appalachian Exposition Grounds
A11281 Appalachian Avenue, Appalachian Expo Grounds
A11282 Administration Building, Lake Chilhowee, Appalachian Exposition Grounds
A12687 Cherokee Country Club
A12688 Golf Links, Cherokee Country Club
A12689 The Driveway, Melrose Place
A12690 High School
A12691 The City from across the Bridge by Moonlight
A12692 Scene on the Tennessee River by Moonlight
A12693 Approach to the Viaduct from L & N Depot, Knoxville, Tenn.
A12694 The Lake, Fountain City Park
A12695 Moonlight on the Tennessee River
A12696 Horseshoe Bend, Tennessee River
A12697 Avenue in Grounds, University of Tennessee
A12698 View in Circle Park
A12699 Barbara Blount Building, University of Tennessee
A12700 Entrance to Melrose Place
A12701 J. H. McCallie School
A12702 The Three Bridges
A12703 Rustic Bridge, Fountain City Park
A12704 Atkin Hotel at Night
A12705 Fine Residences on South Gay Street opposite the Court House
A12706 Science Hall, University of Tennessee
A12707 Deaf and Dumb School and Grounds, Knoxville, Tenn.
A12708 Rustic Bridge and Lake, Chilhowee Park, Knoxville, Tenn.
A12709 “Ahead of Them All” Appalachian Exposition
A12710 Bridge, Lake, and Main Building, Appalachian Exposition
A12711 Coster Shops, Southern Railway, (Night Scene), Knoxville, Tenn.
Swan Island, Lake Cillhowee, Appalachian Exposition Grounds, Knoxville, Tenn.