Cards with Numbers but No Publisher Named
80 Ayres Hall
2215 Franklin Terrace, Fountain City
6074N Home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ross
6104 Masonic Temple
6269 “The Miller Store” – Knoxville’s Greatest Department Store
7015 Knoxville College (front view)
8951 Hotel Farragut Exterior at Street Level (number obscured, may end with B)
11625C Riverlake Motel, Rt. 3, Alcoa Highway
11684 Side View, School of Evangelists, Kimberlin Heights, TN
11687 Home of President A. S. Johnson, School of Evangelists, Kimberlin Heights, TN
11688 Main Building, School of Evangelists, Kimberlin Heights, TN
12493 “Oakhurst” – Residence of H. H. Thrasher, Knoxville, Tennessee
13210 Arnstein Building, corner Prince and Union Streets, Knoxville, Tenn.
13215 Walnut Street, looking North, Knoxville, Tenn.
13219 Elk’s Home, Knoxville, Tenn.
13220 Gay Street North from Clinch Street, Knoxville, Tenn.
20060 Berry Funeral Home
88387 Tate Motel
95972 Confederate Memorial Hall (Bleak House)
1A95971 Farragut Hotel
1DK1207 Holiday Inn East
1DK1216 Holiday Inn Downtown Dining Room
1DK1217 Holiday Inn Downtown
3DK1564 Hotel Farragut Interior of Dining Room (2 pictures)
5DK1111 Red Coals Room, Holiday Inn Northeast
1PCN89-3 “Greetings from Knoxville” (man and 4 women)
8A-H1332 Regas Café
9DK938 Holiday Inn Northeast
9DK1001 Holiday Inn Central
A959 Knoxville General Hospital, Knoxville, Tenn.
A14055 Livestock Building, Chilhowee Park, National Conservation Exposition Grounds, Knoxville, Tenn.
A92959 Sheraton-Campus Inn
A93139 Ramada Inn, Interior
A102373 Daniel Briscoe Company
B5-205B “Snapshot taken in Knoxville – Where They Know How to Kiss”
OEK-223 Holiday Inn West
P63324 Admiral Benbow Inn
R89618 American National Bank