Asheville Post Card Company
K-2 Entrance to University of Tennessee (1A-913)
K-3 Gay Street looking North (2A-H1044)
K-4 Shields-Watkins Field, University of Tennessee (2A-81043)
K-5 Skyline (2A-H1042)
K-6 U.S. Post Office and Government Courthouse (LA-H965)
K-7 Henley Street Bridge (2A-H1041)
K-8 Beautiful Residences of Kingston Pike
K-9 Springtime Scene on Talahi Drive (6A-H1132)
K-10 Church Street ME Church South (6A-H1133)
K-11 First Baptist Church (6A-H1134)
K-12 Cherokee Country Club, Knoxville, Tenn.
K-13 Henly Street Bridge Spanning the Tennessee River, Knoxville, Tenn.
K-14 Knoxville at Night as Seen from Ayres Hall
K-15 Driveway through Campus, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. (6A-H1138)
K-16 Ayres Hall (6A-H1139)
K-17 Engineering Building, University of Tennessee (1A-914)
K-18 Night Scene from Country Club (6A-H-2663)
E4518 Ethel Beck Home for Negro Boys and Girls, 1835 Brandau Avenue
E6454 Mount Olive Baptist Church
787 Springtime on the Highway between Knoxville and Norris (5A-H1919)
12007 Milner Hotel “Gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park”
38834 Hotel Atkin “Gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park”